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Shodoshima (Kankakei Gorge, Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village, Olive Park)

Shodoshima (Kankakei Gorge, Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village, Olive Park)_1
Shodoshima (Kankakei Gorge, Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village, Olive Park)_2
Shodoshima (Kankakei Gorge, Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village, Olive Park)_3
Shodoshima (Kankakei Gorge, Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village, Olive Park)_4
Shodoshima (Kankakei Gorge, Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village, Olive Park)_1 Shodoshima (Kankakei Gorge, Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village, Olive Park)_2 Shodoshima (Kankakei Gorge, Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village, Olive Park)_3 Shodoshima (Kankakei Gorge, Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village, Olive Park)_4

Floating in the Seto Inland Sea, Shodoshima is blessed with a warm climate and is wrapped in an atmosphere that is very much like the Mediterranean Sea. It has many sights that charm visitors with their natural splendor.It's also the birthplace of domestic olive production.

[Kankakei Gorge] One of the Seto Inland Sea's symbolic sights, it is also counted as one of Japan's three most beautiful gorges. The sight of the fresh green leaves, azaleas, and autumn foliage covering the sheer cliff walls is splendorous. There is also a ropeway.

[Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village] The open set from the movie "Twenty Four Eyes" still exists here. One step inside will transport you to the early Showa period.

[Olive Park] Inside the park are multiple facilities that let visitors enjoy olives and herbs with all five senses, such as the "Olive Kinenkan," a facility that teaches visitors about the history of olives, and a Greek windmill that evokes images of the Mediterranean Sea.

More Information about Shodoshima (Kankakei Gorge, Twenty-four Eyes Movie Village, Olive Park)

Street address

Shodoshima-cho, Shozu-gun, Kagawa



  • Takamatsu Port to Shodoshima Island
    ferries and high speed boats leave for Tonosho Port, Ikeda Port and Sakate Port.
    Ferries are about 60-70 minutes. High speed boats are about 30-45 minutes.
    *There is also boat access from ports outside the prefecture.


  • The Shodoshima Olive Bus goes to each facility
    *There is also a tourist bus that goes around the island

Opening Hours

Varies by establishment


All facilities are open everyday


Best season

All year


update: Sep.3.2024

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